Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kerja aku lepas diploma : Photographer Penganggur

tukang merepek - Lily at 10:00 PM 0 org berkata-kata
Sudah hampir 2 1/2 bulan aku dpt kerja ni..penganggur disebabkn kerja aku ni senang teramat,aku berusaha gigih untuk dpt naik pangkat,dan sekarang ni aku dh dinaikkan pangkat ke jawatan Photographer Penganggur. Ini lah hasil kerja staff baru Photographer Penganggur dengan hanya menggunakan kamera Sony Cybershot xsure apa model, tp yg pasti tidak menggunakan sebarang dslr. Saya hanya insan biasa yg xmampu memiliki sebarang dslr...semua gambar ini diambil di sekitar rumah saya yg sekangkang kera sahaja...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

the pierces - secret

tukang merepek - Lily at 12:11 AM 0 org berkata-kata
xde post bru pn...sje nk update sbb si unie suh aku update,aku update je la...aku just nk bgtau aku tukar lagu dlm blog sesiapa yg tgok cta pretty little liars kt 8tv msti tau lgu ni kn....tjuk dya secret by the pierces...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

kisah benar di sebalik filem SANCTUM...*de gmbr sebenar lg*

tukang merepek - Lily at 10:00 PM 0 org berkata-kata
ari jumaat lepas,aku dpt elaun..aku trus sms housemate aku elaun dh leh amik,dya ngh off pn dtg hotel amik elaun,dya siap bwk helmet lebih sbb nk bwk aku g qb tgok wyg...msa 2 dh pkul 4 nk tgok sanctum biasa pkul 3.30,3D pny pkul km pn beli la.....mse starting cta 2,dya da tulis "based on the real story"...aku dh start curious,nk tau pe crita sebenar dya...cte 2 BEST! tp sedih...huhu...klu nk tau cta dya cmna,g r tgok sndri....skg nih aku nk cta "the real sanctum"...

cerita ni berdasarkn pengalaman Andrew Wight iaitu producer/penulis filem sanctum n expedition leader of the ORIGINAL 1988 caving team..

"Avalanche" — that word will echo in my memory forever. I was leading a team of cave divers on an expedition to explore the subterranean water-filled passageways of one of Australia's longest underwater cave systems. The 22 member team were on the last day of the expedition when disaster struck.
A rare cyclonic storm hit the area and the flash flood it produced engulfed the cave entrance, like water spiralling down an open plug hole in the ground. Everything in its path was moved, collapsing the cave entrance and trapping 15 people below ground. My first fear was that people would be killed or badly injured in the collapsing cave. I was trapped on a small ledge the size of a dining room table in the middle section of the cave. With my fellow expedition member Vicky Bonwick, we huddled together deafened by the roar of the water punctuated by the sound of grinding boulders the size of SUVs and the occasional SCUBA tank, with its distinctive metallic sound, bouncing off the walls.
The main expedition party was below us, 13 souls trapped in a large chamber with the passageway blocked in the accumulating choke of boulders. During the flooding, the roof above Vicky's and my head was inching ever closer so it became a desperate choice: stay and die sandwiched between the roof and the ledge, or make a dash for the surface and risk being taken out by a tumbling bolder. We chose the latter.
On the surface amongst the mayhem of the storm our companions above had lowered a rope in the off chance someone might emerge from the cave alive. This allowed Vicky and I to escape and regroup, and start the rescue of our 13 trapped companions.
ni la Andrew Wight

Pannikin Plains cave
ni la gua sebenar yg diorg masuk "Pannikin Plain Cave" di Australia.

ni plak gua dlm filem sanctum, nma dya "Swallow Cave" di Mexico.
Diorg guna gua lein sbb gua ni cantik cket kot...heheh

ni plak keadaan dlm gua 2...sgt cantik,tingin nk pegi tp tkot+gayat..huhu

The alarm went out quickly. The media headlined the news around the world as police and emergency services personnel rushed to aid our rescue. We even had offers of help from the United States to fly in a drilling rig to help rescue the trapped cavers.
Four hours after the storm I still had no idea of the fate of my companions below but we had a secret weapon. Ron Allum, one of our world renown expedition divers, had built a specialized cave radio that we had been using during the expedition dives. Normal radio will not work underground – the radio signals cannot penetrate solid rock. Ron however had invented a special radio that uses very low frequencies that could propagate a signal through the solid roof of the cave. With the hope that any survivors below would probably try and use the radio, we set our receiving station on the surface and, like clock work, at the prearranged scheduled time we had used throughout our month long expedition, a weak voice crackled over the set. The next 5 minutes were very tense as none of us had any idea as to who may have survived. We slowly read out the names of the individuals trapped and added the team mates above, not until the last name was read out did we then know that everyone had survived.
The slow process of exploring a new way out then began, at first from the surface trying to find a new way into the cave, then using the radio to confirm our findings. The team below inched their way to the surface also looking for a new way out. Slowly but surely over the next 24 hours we found a new way out of the cave. Carefully laying a guideline to follow, one expedition team member at a time carefully followed the new way out. The cave was still extremely unstable and the risk of further collapse was high, so as only to endanger the life of one person at a time, we would only let one person make the ascent – only when safely on the surface (communicated by radio to those below) would the next person follow.
Wes Skiles
ni plak Wes Skiles.
It took an agonising 6 hours to get everyone back to the surface and safety. Wes Skiles, our intrepid cameraman, recorded his own escape from the cave and thereby documented in pictures the dramatic events of the past 2 days. It was the cave collapse in the Nullarbor that inspiredSanctum.

Gambar2 msa diorg explore Pannikin Plain Cave 2..
klu spe2 yg dh tgok sanctum, ni la tempat Josh perlukan oxygen 2 pas2 dye g sedut udara kt lubang2 atas 2...yg mcm lopak2 air tp dkat atas...

ni la muka Andrew Wight 2,ataupun watak dya dlm sanctum Frank McGuire.
ni dye pny main lake@tasik yg dkat diorg pny base camp dlm filem 2...
ni plak gmbr lubang gua 2 time banjir

ni gmbr lepas banjir
ni la ribut yg menyebabkan banjir 2...
klu spe2 yg tgok filem 1 scene 2 time frank ngn jude jmpa 2 tmpat baru pas2 jude mati lemas kt c2,tmpat 2 cntik sgt...aku google tp xjumpa pn...mybe tmpat 2 rekaan semata2..huhu
cta sanctum 2 xde la tru sebijik2 cta la lein cket,de drama cket,bru la best...klu tru sebijik2 bosan r..
sumber asal : National Geographic

p/s: aku suka la joshua anak frank mcguire dlm cta ni...nma dya Rhys Wakefield,dya ni Aussie...ptut la dgar dya ckp accent lein...
uuuu...muscle dya....*i'm melting!i'm melting!rhys,help me!*hoho

Friday, February 25, 2011

bru ku sedar kepentingan membaca buku...

tukang merepek - Lily at 11:30 PM 0 org berkata-kata
dlu msa aku part 1,aku kna beli 1 buku ni...bpak mhal lah harga dye..RM100++...ktanya buku ni sgt berguna la...smpai degree pn leh bla aku tgok rupa bku 2,aku dh tau dh smpai bila pn aku xkn guna...bpak tebal ah....baling kt peragut leh mati peragut 2...
ni la rupa buku 2...buku ni hard cover n sgt tebal...
aku dgn confidentnya xbeli la buku ni...n da truth is,smpai aku part 3 pn xpnah guna buku ni...aku pn xnyesal la sbb xbeli bku bla aku start praktikal,aku n bdk2 lein xreti asah pisau,lawah btol bla chef xreti asah day, roommate aku menyelak2 pro cook dya,then dya ckp dlm pro cook 2 ada ajar cara asah pisau...i was like "what??"....lawak gler,ajar cra asah pisau dlm pk2 blek,ptut la bku ni sgt berguna,bnda remeh cm2 pn diorg,aku dh nyesal sbb xbeli bku 2...nsib beik lg 2 buku aku beli...
ni bku garde manger...dye byk cte psai appetizer,salad,n ape2 yg bleh dijadikan pembuka selera lah...cre2 nk wat sosej pn ada...

ni plak pro bake,mcm pro cook jgak tp dye byk explain about baking n pastry...
disebabkn aku mnyesal xbeli pro cook,tdi aku pn mnyelak2 la 2 bku ni....kot2 ada bnda berguna yg aku xtau ada dlm bku ni....guess what i've found...RESEPI MACARONS!!damn...knpa la selama ni aku xpnah perasan da resepi 2 dlm bku aku ni...pnat je aku google resepi dya ari 2...mcm2 flavor macarons dye bg n mcm2 resepi nk wat krim dye bg...aku pk2 blek if aku stdy resepi 2,aku leh wat macarons yg mcm2 flavour...omg!!e2 la akibatnya klu mls bca buku ye...bli buku byk2 n mhal2 tp klu xpnah bce,xde guna...klu dri dlu aku bca buku ni...aku dh jdi usahawan macarons dh sgt menyesal...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

manusia yg sgt xberhati perut...

tukang merepek - Lily at 5:23 PM 0 org berkata-kata
Videos Posted by CopyPaste.Kom.Mai: CopyPaste.Kom.Mai video ( betina sudal yang kejam ): "CopyPaste.Kom.Mai video ( betina sudal yang kejam )"


tukang merepek - Lily at 3:10 AM 0 org berkata-kata
tdi bru je join 1 group ni...The faceblog...

hasil copy paste dri faceblog...haha....xtau nk explain nnti korg eplore la sndri group nih k...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Japanese toy named Konapun

tukang merepek - Lily at 1:32 PM 0 org berkata-kata
walaupun aku dh besar aku nk jgak mein bnda ni....dulu aku mein playdough je...but thid konapun is so freaking cool!!i want it!!!!huhu

tp bnda konapun ni xleh lg 1 japanese candy nih bleh mkn...n candy ni kta wat sndri mcm bnda2 atas ni jgak...huhu


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